We can always be certain of one thing regarding taxes: changes will happen. This is so even though stability of the tax rules would likely be one of the most significant factors in fostering a robust economic environment. Tax legislation is a patchwork quilt reflecting the government’s often conflicting needs to raise revenue, promote fairness, enforce compliance by reluctant or evasive taxpayers, enable voluntary compliance by the willing taxpayers, stimulate favorable behavior, promote political ideology and implement public policy. The political climate is ever-changing, and with it, tax laws evolve and change.
With the dawn of 2024, we are inching closer to December 31, 2025, at which time most of the provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will sunset. Of course, Congress could act in the meantime, but absent any specific relief, many tax rules will revert to their 2017 versions. Of particular note are the following: