
AdviseHER is the online magazine of WIFS. Within its pages you’ll find new ideas and expert insights on thought leadership, technology, membership, professional development and much more! Enjoy our publication, and join WIFS in breaking down barriers and attracting and advancing professional women in insurance and finance.

Write for AdviseHER
We invite WIFS members, partners and industry thought leaders to submit articles for AdviseHER. Please submit articles via email to [email protected] with “AdviseHER Article” in the subject line. All article submissions undergo a review process conducted by a member of the WIFS Editorial Committee.

Each issue of AdviseHER has a theme, but articles are not required to tie into the theme. If you would like your article to be considered for a specific issue because of its theme, let us know when you submit it.

Editorial Guidelines

  • Articles should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents.
  • Article length should be between 500 - 1,000 words. WIFS reserves the right to edit articles for grammar, length and appropriateness of content. We will make every effort to preserve the author's style.
  • If using citations, please use endnotes instead of footnotes to credit sources. Please be sure to include all necessary source information (i.e. author, publisher, title of work being referenced, magazine name, date/year of publication, country of publication).
  • Include a reference section for all general references following the same source guidelines outlined above.
  • Incorporate a brief biography including your current position, background and any professional affiliations.
  • Articles should cover subject matter pertaining to the insurance and finance fields, marketing, networking and the association.
  • Articles should be broad in nature, appealing to an array of insurance and financial services professionals with a focus on practical matters, rooted in fact.
  • Opinion articles on topics relevant to AdviseHER readers are welcome; opinion articles submitted and approved for inclusion will be noted as such.
  • Strong articles will include facts with references to personal experience and takeaways for readers. Quotes from experts to enhance the article's depth are encouraged.
  • Authors are responsible for citing sources featured in articles and obtaining all needed permissions related to quoted or borrowed material.
  • If your article is based on a survey or questionnaire, we ask that you indicate when and where the study was conducted, the number of participants and a concise analysis of the results leading to an evaluation of why this is significant to readers.
  • We strongly encourage including graphics and other artwork to accompany articles. Art files should be submitted separately from the text in vector format. The author is responsible for acquiring the necessary permissions to use a piece of artwork.

Review Process

All articles submitted will be acknowledged upon receipt then submitted to the Editorial Committee for review. The approval process generally takes two to three weeks depending upon the article's complexity, length and anticipated publication date. Authors will be notified of the review outcome and informed of any comments or recommendations and the anticipated publication date.

Copyright and Reprints

All published articles are a part of AdviseHER's overall copyright, as detailed in the Author Warranty and Copyright Assignment form all authors are required to sign. WIFS retains first rights to all published material. WIFS staff reserve the right to edit articles.

Advertise in AdviseHER

Advertising opportunities are available in all upcoming issues of AdviseHER. Reach hundreds of WIFS members and others with your information about products and services of interest to women in the insurance and financial services field.

Introductory rates are as follows:

Single issue placements

  • Full Page: $1,200
  • Half Page: $700
  • Quarter Page: $400

Multi-placements (3 issues)

  • Full Page: $3,000
  • Half Page: $1,800
  • Quarter Page: $1,000
  • Full Page Ad Specs: 7.5”W x 9.75”H
  • Half Page Ad Specs: 7.5”W x 4.7”H
  • Quarter Page Ad Specs: 3.55”W x 4.7”H

Please email advertisements in PDF format to [email protected].