Thank you to Equitable for being the WIFS 2024 National Conference Title Sponsor.

Monday, October 14

7:30 am-6:00 pm
Registration Open
Grand Ballroom Foyer
9:00-10:30 am
Chapter Leaders Meeting Brunch & Road to 100 Highlight
*This is an invite-only event
Columbus Ballroom
10:45 am-12:30 pm
WIFS Membership Lunch & Annual Business Meeting
Columbus Ballroom
12:45-1:30 pm
Conference Welcome + Opening Ceremony
Toni Sova-Corfee, GRAIL, WIFS President

Equitable Representative

Grand Ballroom
1:30-2:30 pm
Keynote Main Stage: Meet the Million Dollar You
Elyse Archer, She Sells

Everyone has a Million Dollar version of themselves Iying latent inside, waiting to be 
unleashed. Yet many financial professionals get stuck at the six or multi six figure mark
because it’s comfortable. They never expand their vision to what life would be like if they
broke 7 figures or beyond.

In this mind-expanding keynote, Elyse Archer will challenge you to think bigger, and share 
exactly what she did to scale from six to seven figures in less than a year, all while dealing
with major limiting beliefs and self doubt.

Leaving this keynote you will:
  • Understand the 4 Quadrants of Quantum Sales Growth™
  • Learn how to Step into the Identity of a 7 Figure+ Earner, now
  • Learn how to dramatically increase your sales results without working harder or more hours
Grand Ballroom
2:30-2:45 pm
Partner for Excellence Big Idea: Global Atlantic
Grand Ballroom
2:45-3:00 pm
Networking Break with Exhibitors
Grand Ballroom Foyer
3:00-4:00 pm
Main Stage 2: By Leaders, For Leaders Panel
Christy Aleckson, Owner/Wealth Manager/Founder
Angela Ribuffo, President & Financial Advisor, Raion Financial Strategies, LLC

Jennifer Warfield, CFP, Lightbulb Moments, LLC
Becca Foster, Operations Manager & Staff Accountant, Northwestern Mutual

This panel presentation will explore what it means to be a woman of influence, leaving you ready to attract, develop, and advance the next generation of women in a male-dominated industry.

Grand Ballroom
4:00-4:15 pm
Partner for Excellence Big Idea: Prudential
Grand Ballroom
4:15-5:15 pm
Main Stage 3: Mind Body Money - Implementing the Total Person Philosophy to Success
Eszylfie Taylor, Taylor Method

Total Person is a Mind, Body, Money presentation that helps you prioritize health just as much as wealth. When you
feel better, and have your mind and body in a good state, it creates a positive impact in your life and business. The
Total Person presentation uses stories and real life examples to illustrate how success in business or life starts with
taking care of your mind and body.

The audience will be inspired and motivated to look at themselves as a whole and be more positive and health conscience.
It will translate over to their productivity and general well-being in business and life.

The Total Person Philosophy will help you shift your perception to that of a positive outlook, which serves as the catalyst for
success in business and life.

Grand Ballroom
5:15-5:30 pm
Partner for Excellence Big Idea: Ash Brokerage

Grand Ballroom
5:30-6:45 pm
Welcome Reception with Exhibitors & Sponsors
Grand Ballroom Foyer


 Tuesday, October 15

6:30-7:00 am
Mindful Movements Morning Session
Joanna Dellosa, Wilshire Group Financial Services
7:00 am-5:00 pm
Registration Open
Grand Ballroom Foyer
7:30-8:15 am
Breakfast & Networking with Exhibitors
Grand Ballroom Foyer
8:15-9:15 am
Main Stage 4: Walk over Talk - What Can We Do to Impact the Next Generation of Women Leaders 
in Financial Services
Kellan Brown, FinServ Foundation and Kate Healy AdvoKate IQ

What does change really mean when it comes to women in finance?  When asked the question - 
what does
women in finance mean to you - what emotion comes to light? Join industry experts,
Kate Healy and Kellan
Brown on what is unique about the next generation of women leaders and
what actions we can take to provide
impact and growth for women in Financial Services.

What you'll take away from this session:
  • From 2010 to now, what growth has actually happened and why haven't we seen more of it
  • The importance of mentorship and allyship pre-career, mid-career, and post-career
  • How the FinServ foundation prepares women and financial planning students for the industry but then what
  • How can YOU be a part of the change
Grand Ballroom
 9:15-9:30 am
NAIFA Legislative Update

Grand Ballroom
 9:30-9:45 am
Partner for Excellence Big Idea: Ameritas

Grand Ballroom
 9:45-10:05 am
Networking Break with Exhibitors
Grand Ballroom Foyer
 10:05-10:50 am
Breakout: Special Needs Financial Planning - How is this Different?
Mary McDirmid, ChFS, ChSNC, All Needs Planning

Niche Market of Special Needs Financial Planning - How is this different? Review what makes this planning different technically
and emotionally. How far does the parents cash flow need to cover and how to we calculate the future cost of the dependent with
special needs. Visually see what the main differences are between traditional planning vs Special needs planning in the areas of
Cash Management, Insurance, Investment, and Tax Planning. Review how state and government benefits play a role for the family
unit and projected needs.

Columbus Ballroom A
 10:05-10:50 am
Breakout: Discover Your Hidden Powers and THRIVE - Using Influence for Sane Success
Lisa Bing, Bing Consulting Group, LLC

At what point does the pursuit of success cross a line into insanity…those moments where you feel your life is no longer your own? Whose success are you pursuing, yours or “theirs”? What does success mean for us as women? How do we create a successful life for ourselves on our terms? Join us to explore these questions and takeaway the following:

  • Success: The Light and The Dark…consider both benefits and costs of success.
  • Expectations: Yours and “Theirs”…separate what you want from what others want from you. Ask for what you want. Adjust expectations if necessary.
  • Choices and Self Esteem…is your self-esteem empowering or limiting your choices? Reframing choice and leveraging influence to get more of what you want.
  • Support…the secret ingredient of success. Getting it and giving it. 
Columbus Ballroom B
 10:05-10:50 am
Breakout: Referral Language that Works in the Real World
Paul Kingsman, Ash Brokerage

Whether they like it or not, financial advisors are professional speakers. They earn their income, initially at least, through speaking.

Especially during challenging times, there are opportunities for advisors to influence conversations with prospects and clients confidently.
Instead of giving random responses, the most successful advisors draw upon insightful, helpful, repeatable mental scripts.

Columbus Ballroom C
 10:05-10:50 am
Breakout: Servant Leadership is the Cornerstone of My Practice and I Am Thriving! 
Bronwyn L. Martin, Martin's Financial Consulting Group

Throughout my academic and professional life, I have undertaken many challenges that have molded me and formed me into who I am –and what my practice is today. One of the key investments I made was in personal leadership to find out my why. Being able to get crystal clear on my goals, my role, and my soul allowed my practice to flourish.
I’m able to help more people, do more with my time, and live a balanced life that is utterly fulfilling. What I’ve found on my journey is that the more I give, the more I receive back. My session will outline how I’ve incorporated servant leadership principles into my practice that has allowed me to achieve peak productivity and fuels me to do even more for my clients and community.

Discovery Ballroom
 10:50-11:10 am
Networking Break with Exhibitors
Grand Ballroom Foyer
 11:10-11:25 am
Partner for Excellence Big Idea: National Life Group

Grand Ballroom
 11:25 am-12:25 pm
Fast N' Furious
Grand Ballroom
 12:25-1:45 pm
Awards Luncheon
Grand Ballroom
 1:45-2:00 pm
Partner for Excellence Big Idea: Cambridge

Grand Ballroom
 2:00-2:20 pm
Networking Break with Exhibitors
Grand Ballroom Foyer
 2:20-3:05 pm
Breakout: Closing the Gap: AI and Gender in Financial Services
Jennifer Warfield, Lightbulb Moments, LLC

We will explore the intersection of AI, gender, and financial services and how you can understand and contribute to shaping a more
equitable future in the industry.

Columbus Ballroom A
 2:20-3:05 pm
Breakout: Women in Investing
Columbus Ballroom B 
 2:20-3:05 pm
Breakout: Empathy and Expertise: A Guide for Supporting Widows in their Financial Journey
Jodi Krausman, The American College

We are about to witness a significant wealth transfer as the baby boomers hand over their investment assets to their children,
grandchildren, and charities. However, before this wealth reaches its intended beneficiaries, it will likely land with a surviving spouse. This presentation guides financial advisors,
shedding light on the challenges they face serving widowed clients and providing strategies to help widowed clients move forward.

Columbus Ballroom C
 2:20-3:05 pm
Breakout: Cultivating Coopetition to Bring in Assets - Getting COI Relationships to Work
Julie Johnson, XY Communication

There are three groups whose combined effort can benefit from collaborating – wealth advisors, the firm’s specialists who provide other
lines of business, and Centers of Influence (COIs).

Unfortunately, previous collaboration efforts by these combined professionals seem to rarely or sporadically live up to their full potential.

In this presentation, we’ll explain the underlying reason why in many cases this has not worked as hoped for and provide a powerful solution
for changing the mindset and actions of financial advisors and specialists so they can work together to develop and nurture COI relationships.
We’ll share a process that works. One where fears of collaboration are eliminated, and all three groups discover and feel confident about the
benefits they’ll gain when using this innovative approach to business growth, one that is best for all their combined clients.

Discovery Ballroom
 3:05-3:20 pm
Movement Break
 3:20-4:05 pm
Breakout: How to Inspire Financially Fearless Women
Megan Motley, Regional Vice President, Prudential

Women’s financial security has declined in the last 3 years1, but they still control $10T in the US.2 This presentation takes a deep dive into what makes financial planning unique for women and the steps they can take today to prepare for more secure outcomes. Financial professionals who work with women close more business2 and understanding their needs, challenges and priorities is a vital first step in attracting and retaining them as clients. We will discuss:

  • Women’s unique financial planning challenges
  • Opportunities in the women’s market
  • Strategies for maximizing Social Security benefits

1 LIMRA Women’s Study Summary and Action Plan 2022
2 Alliance for Lifetime Income: How to Create Financially Fearless Female Investors, Dec 2022

Discovery Ballroom
 3:20-4:05 pm
Breakout: Mastering Motivation
Chelsea Laub, Chelsea Laub, LLC

Have you ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering why in the world people do what they do? Well, get ready for some clarity! In this session,
we'll dive deep into the world of motivation. We'll learn the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic drivers, shedding light on the inner workings of human
behavior. Say goodbye to frustration and hello to understanding as we introduce the Enneagram, a compass for navigating the intricate landscape of what really
motivates us.

This tool not only enhances self-awareness but also equips you to navigate interpersonal dynamics with finesse, fostering deeper connections and
greater success.

For Financial Services Professionals, this session will help you better understand your clients, staff, and self - leading to more empathy, compassion, ease, and success.
Columbus Ballroom B
 3:20-4:05 pm
Breakout: Situational Social Security
Marc Kiner, Premier Social Security Consulting, LLC

The seminar will focus on Situational Social Security. Every client is in a different and unique situation. Clients may be single, married, divorced, surviving spouse, public
employees, have minor children. Attendees will understand the questions and issues that relate to all clients and understand how to ask Probing Social Security questions
unlocking additional Social Security benefits for clients. Understanding Social Security will help advisors to connect with baby boomers. The universal language of baby boomers
is Social Security. “Door” prizes to be awarded.

Columbus Ballroom C
 3:20-4:05 pm
Breakout: THRIVE Through GENEROSITY - How to be of Service to Every Prospect and Get Hired by the Right Ones in One Meeting 
Lucila Williams, The Intentional Advisor

Prospecting does not have to be something painful that you learn to endure in order to be successful. With the right mindset and process, it can become the most invigorating and
joyous part of your business. In this training, financial advisor and business consultant Lucila Williams (aka The Intentional Advisor) will share her proven process to transform
prospecting into an act of service and generosity. All those attending will also receive access and permission to use The Discovery EXPERIENCE presentation at no cost ($500 value).

Columbus Ballroom A
 5:45-6:45 pm
Partner for Excellence Reception
*This is an invite-only event
Admiral's Quarter
 6:30-9:30 pm
Thrive "Americana" Reception
Discovery Ballroom


Wednesday, October 16

7:30-10:00 am
Registration Open
Grand Ballroom Foyer
7:45-8:45 am
Breakfast & Networking with Exhibitors
Grand Ballroom Foyer
8:45-9:30 am
Breakout: You're Not for Everyone: Target Marketing, Prospecting, & Client Engagement in the Modern World
Kristin Andree, Andree Group

In today’s constantly moving, ever-changing world, it’s harder than ever to gain the attention (and loyalty) of clients and prospects. But, it doesn’t have to be a struggle! Learn the innovative
business building strategies behind Kristin’s motto: “Know your people…Find Your people…Love ‘em hard” and walk away equipped to level up in business and in life.

Columbus Ballroom B
8:45-9:30 am
Breakout: Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential: Building a Business Owner Mindset
Tina Spenzos, Penn Mutual

ave you ever thought about what the real difference is between a Salesperson and a Business Owner? Or what top industry Financial Professionals are doing that allow for consistent growth
by making every year their best year?

Discover how to cultivate a growth-oriented mindset, gain tools and insights to think like a business owner, and make strategic decisions to drive your business forward.
Columbus Ballroom C
9:30-9:50 am
Networking Break with Exhibitors
Grand Ballroom Foyer
9:50-10:50 am
Main Stage 5: Female Leadership in Investment Management
Jasmine Yu, Bryn Mawr Capital Management, LLC
Grand Ballroom
10:50-11:05 am
Partner for Excellence Big Idea: Penn Mutual

Grand Ballroom
11:05-11:25 am
Networking Break & Exhibitor Raffles
Grand Ballroom Foyer
11:25-11:40 am
Partner for Excellence Big Idea: Ibexis

Grand Ballroom
11:40 am-12:40 pm
Main Stage 6: Becoming ICONIC: From Imposter Complex to Leadership Edge
Tanya Geisler, Certified Leadership Coach & TedxWomen Speaker

Join Leadership Coach and Speaker Tanya Geisler in this transformative session where you'll learn to overcome the Imposter Complex and embrace your ICONIC identity. Tanya will guide you
through the powerful ICONIC Framework, sharing stories and practical strategies to help you unlock your unique leadership potential.
What You’ll Learn:
  • Unpack the Imposter Complex: Understand the twelve lies that hold you back and how they manifest.
  • Embrace the ICONIC Framework: Dive into actionable steps to shift from self-doubt to confidence.
  • Real-Life Inspiration: Hear inspiring stories of trailblazers  who have successfully navigated this journey.
  • Practical Tools: Gain strategies to optimize your strengths and leverage your leadership edge.
Grand Ballroom
12:40-1:00 pm
 Closing Remarks
Grand Ballroom

Please note that the agenda is subject to change